Kurs 10 högskolepoäng • TRVN13
Undervisning – höstterminen 2020
Med anledning av regeringens meddelande den 29 maj, att en återgång till campusundervisning är möjlig fr.o.m. 15 juni, gäller följande angående undervisning på HT-fakulteterna under hösten:
- På grund av pågående coronapandemi (covid-19) och de restriktioner som är utfärdade kommer undervisningen för höstens kurser att ha begränsat antal träffar på campus beroende på tillgången på lämpliga lokaler. Till stor del kommer undervisningen att bedrivas på distans. Detaljerad information om vad som gäller för din kurs meddelas nedan.
- I det fall undervisningen ges på campus finns för varje undervisningslokal anvisade in- och utpassager i förhållande till trapphus, korridorer och entréer (in- och utgångar). Tag hänsyn och följ instruktionerna noga. Handsprit ska finnas tillgänglig i alla lärosalar och grupprum.
Var uppmärksam på annorlunda starttider på dina undervisningsmoment. Angivna tider i ditt kursschema gäller.
The course offers a study of a selection of texts from classical rabbinic literature from the Mishnah to the Babylonian Talmud. After a brief survey of the emergence of the rabbinic movement and the political, cultural and linguistic context in which it developed, the main part of the course is devoted to close readings of a selection of rabbinic texts in Hebrew/Aramaic with a translation. To enable the inclusion of a larger number of texts in order to display the various genres included in rabbinic literature, some texts will be read only in translation. In addition to acquiring and developing skills in rabbinic Hebrew, students will gain insights into rabbinic thought and culture, and acquire a basic knowledge of the scope, style and characteristics of rabbinic texts. The main focus will be on the Mishnah (early 3rd century), the Mekhilta (late 3rd century), Genesis and Leviticus Rabbah (early 5th century) and the Babylonian Talmud (300–700 C.E).
Intended learning outcome
- Demonstrate knowledge of the most important rabbinic texts and their respective genres and characteristics
- Acquire a basic ability to read and analyze rabbinic texts
- Gain insight into rabbinic thought and culture through a reading of a selection of rabbinic texts
- Critically discuss the emergence and development of rabbinic Judaism in relation to previous and contemporary Jewish groups, including Jesus-oriented ones, and critically assess rabbinic texts as sources for historical reconstruction
- Independently evaluate the significance of rabbinic literature for later Jewish tradition
To be eligible for bachelor's courses you must meet the entry requirements. Even if you hold a higher academic degree, you need to document your basic knowledge of English and also add your upper secondary school records at the same time you apply. The time window is very narrow to complement this later. Please read carefully the instructions at the following pages:
Bachelor's requirements
Country instructions
höstterminen 2020
2020-08-31 – 2021-01-17
30 hp inom teologi, religionsvetenskap, klassisk filologi, klassisk arkeologi, historia eller motsvarande, samt ett minimum av 10 hp hebreiska.
Introduktionsmöte: Tisdagen den 8 september kl. 11.15 – 12.00