
Coniectanea Biblica Old Testament Series ger ut monografier inom ämnet Gamla testamentets exegetik. Det är den enda publikationsserien i Sverige med inriktning mot detta ämnesområde.

Som redaktörer fungerar professorerna i Gamla testamentets exegetik i Lund (Fredrik Lindström) och Uppsala (Göran Eidevall).

För tryckning och distribution ansvarar Fortress Academic.

Redaktörer: Fredrik Lindström och Göran Eidevall

ISSN: 0069-8954

Negotiating Identities

Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassén, Magnus Zetterholm (red.) | Negotiating Identities. Conflict, Conversion, and Consolidation in Early Judaism and Christianity (200 BCE–600 CE | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series | 2022

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Unburning Fame

Unburning Fame

Ola Wikander | Unburning Fame. Horses, Dragons, Beings of Smoke, and Other Indo-European Motifs in Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 62 | 2017

In this book, Ola Wikander studies Indo-European influences in the literary world of the Hebrew Bible and the Ugaritic texts, tracing a number of poetic motifs and other concepts originating in the Indo-European linguistic milieux of the greater Ancient Near East (e.g., among ...

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Drought, death and the sun in Ugarit and ancient Israel

Ola Wikander | Drought, death and the sun in Ugarit and ancient Israel. A philological and comparative study | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 61 | 2014

The goal of Wikander's study is to elucidate the interconnected motifs of drought and death in the Bronze Age cuneiform alphabetic texts from Ugarit in Syria and the survival of these motifs as they appear in the world and text of the Hebrew Bible. The sun and its heat are two of ...

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Enigmas and Images

Blaženka Scheuer | Göran Eidevall (red.) | Enigmas and Images. Studies in Honor of Tryggve N.D. Mettinger | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 58 | 2011

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Translation technique and theological exegesis

Staffan Olofsson | Translation technique and theological exegesis. Collected essays on the Septuagint version | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 57 | 2009

Prophecy and propaganda

Göran Eidevall | Prophecy and propaganda. Images of enemies in the Book of Isaiah | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 56 | 2009

Prophets in action

Åke Viberg | Prophets in action. An analysis of prophetic symbolic acts in the Old Testament | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 55 | 2007

A passing power

Sigurdur Hafthórsson | A passing power. An examination of the sources for the history of Aram-Damascus in the second half of the ninth century B.C. | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 54 | 2006

Mort et espérance selon la Bible hébraïque

Mamy Raharimanantsoa | Mort et espérance selon la Bible hébraïque | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 53 | 2006

Sacrifice and Symbol

Martin Modéus | Sacrifice and Symbol. Biblical Shelamim in a Ritual Perspective | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 52 | 2005

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The text of 2 Chronicles 1-16

Kjell Hognesius | The text of 2 Chronicles 1-16. A critical edition with textual commentary | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 51 | 2003

The riddle of resurrection

Tryggve N.D. Mettinger | The riddle of resurrection. “Dying and Rising Gods” in the Ancient Near East | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 50 | 2001

Coram deo

Hallvard Hagelia | Coram deo. Spirituality in the Book of Isaiah, with particular attention to faith in Yahweh | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 49 | 2001

Moats in ancient Palestine

Dag Oredsson | Moats in ancient Palestine | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 48 | 2000

From biblical theology to biblical criticism

Rebecca G.S. Idestrom | From biblical theology to biblical criticism. Old Testament scholarship at Uppsala University, 1866–1922 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 47 | 2000

Gates and gods

Tina Haettner Blomquist | Gates and gods. Cults in the city gates of Iron Age Palestine. An investigation of the archaeological and biblical sources | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 46 | 1999

Aram as the enemy friend

Carl-Johan Axskjöld | Aram as the enemy friend. The ideological role of Aram in the composition of Genesis - 2 Kings | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 45 | 1998

"About Zion I will not be silent"

Antti Laato | "About Zion I will not be silent" The Book of Isaiah as an ideological unity | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 44 | 1998

Grapes in the desert

Göran Eidevall | Grapes in the desert. Metaphors, models, and themes in Hosea 4-14 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 43 | 1996

History and ideology in the Old Testament prophetic literature

Antti Laato | History and ideology in the Old Testament prophetic literature. A methodological approach to the reconstruction of the proclamation of the historical prophets | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 41 | 1996

No graven image?

Tryggve N. D. Mettinger | No graven image? Israelite aniconism in its Near Eastern context | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 42 | 1995

A functional discourse grammar of Joshua

Nicolai Winther-Nielsen | A functional discourse grammar of Joshua. A computer-assisted rhetorical structure analysis | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 40 | 1995

Numbering the stars

Hallvard Hagelia | Numbering the stars. A phraseological analysis of Genesis 15 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 39 | 1994

Towns and toponyms in the Old Testament

Jan Svensson | Towns and toponyms in the Old Testament. With special emphasis on Joshua 14-21 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 38 | 1994

Suffering and sin

Fredrik Lindström | Suffering and sin. Interpretations of illness in the individual complaint psalms | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 37 | 1994

Dust, wind and agony

Michael S. Cheney | Dust, wind and agony. Character, speech and genre in Job | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 36 | 1994

The servant of YHWH and Cyrus

Antti Laato | The servant of YHWH and Cyrus. A reinterpretation of the exilic Messianic programme in Isaiah 40-55 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 35 | 1992

Symbols of law

Åke Viberg | Symbols of law. A contextual analysis of legal symbolic acts in the Old Testament | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 34 | 1992

Josiah and David redivivus

Antti Laato | Josiah and David redivivus. The historical Josiah and the messianic expectations of exilic and postexilic times | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 33 | 1992

"Come, children, listen to me!"

LarsOlov Eriksson | "Come, children, listen to me!" Psalm 34 in the Hebrew Bible and in early Christian writings | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 32 | 1991

God is my rock

Staffan Olofsson | God is my rock. A study of translation technique and theological exegesis in the Septuagint | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 31 | 1990

The LXX version

Staffan Olofsson | The LXX version. A guide to the translation technique of the Septuagint | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 30 | 1990

The God of the sages

Lennart Boström | The God of the sages. The portrayal of God in the book of Proverbs | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 29 | 1990

Motive und Schichten der Landtheologie in I Chronik 1-9

Magnar Kartveit | Motive und Schichten der Landtheologie in I Chronik 1-9 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 28 | 1989

Der Fürbitter Israels

Erik Aurelius | Der Fürbitter Israels. Eine Studie zum Mosebild im Alten Testament | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 27 | 1988

The image of God

Gunnlaugur A. Jónsson | The image of God. Genesis 1:26-28 in a century of Old Testament research | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 26 | 1988

The Lord rose up from Seir

Lars Eric Axelsson | The Lord rose up from Seir. Studies in the history and traditions of the Negev and Southern Judah | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 25 | 1987

Sein Name allein ist hoch

Stig I. L. Norin | Sein Name allein ist hoch. Das Jhw-haltige Suffix althebräischer Personennamen untersucht mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der alttestamentlichen Redaktionsgeschichte | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 24 | 1986

Historical motifs in the Psalms

Erik Haglund | Historical motifs in the Psalms | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 23 | 1984

Prophecy as literature

Bertil Wiklander | Prophecy as literature. A text-linguistic and rhetorical approach to Isaiah 2-4 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 22 | 1984

God and the origin of evil

Fredrik Lindström | God and the origin of evil. A contextual analysis of alleged monistic evidence in the Old Testament | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 21 | 1983

Metaphors and monsters

Paul A. Porter | Metaphors and monsters. A literary-critical study of Daniel 7 and 8 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 20 | 1983

Des Schiffes Weg mitten im Meer

Eva Strömberg Krantz | Des Schiffes Weg mitten im Meer. Beiträge zur Erforschung der nautischen Terminologie des Alten Testaments | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 19 | 1982

The dethronement of Sabaoth

Tryggve N. D. Mettinger | The dethronement of Sabaoth. Studies in the Shem and Kabod theologies | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 18 | 1982

Die Toledotformel und die literarische Struktur der priesterlichen Erweiterungsschicht im Pentateuch

Sven Tengström | Die Toledotformel und die literarische Struktur der priesterlichen Erweiterungsschicht im Pentateuch | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 17 | 1982

Determining the destiny

Gunnel André | Determining the destiny. PQD in the Old Testament | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 16 | 1980

The wise king

Leonidas Kalugila | The wise king. Studies in royal wisdom as divine revelation in the Old Testament and its environment | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 15 | 1980

Vom Zeichen zur Geschichte

Sigurdur Örn Steingrimsson | Vom Zeichen zur Geschichte. Eine literar- und formkritische Untersuchung von Ex 6,28-11,10 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 14 | 1979

Hebräisches Perfekt und Imperfekt mit vorangehendem we

Bo Johnson | Hebräisches Perfekt und Imperfekt mit vorangehendem we | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 13 | 1979

Tradition and interpretation

Inger Ljung | Tradition and interpretation. A study of the use and application of formulaic language in the so-called Ebed YHWH-psalms | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 12 | 1978

Motifs from Genesis 1-11 in the genuine hymns of Ephrem the Syrian with particular reference to the influence of Jewish exegetical tradition

Tryggve Kronholm | Motifs from Genesis 1-11 in the genuine hymns of Ephrem the Syrian with particular reference to the influence of Jewish exegetical tradition | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 11 | 1978

Er spaltete das Meer

Stig I. L. Norin | Er spaltete das Meer. Die Auszugsüberlieferung in Psalmen und Kult des alten Israel | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 9 | 1977

Die Übersetzung von Aquila

Kyösti Hyvärinen | Die Übersetzung von Aquila | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 10 | 1977

King and Messiah

Tryggve N. D. Mettinger | King and Messiah. The civil and sacral legitimation of the Israelite kings | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 8 | 1976

Die Hexateucherzählung

Sven Tengström | Die Hexateucherzählung. Eine literargeschichtliche Studie | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 7 | 1976

Interpretatio Syriaca

Sten Hidal | Interpretatio Syriaca. Die Kommentare des Heiligen Ephräm des Syrers zu Genesis und Exodus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer auslegungsgeschichtlichen Stellung | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 6 | 1974

Solomonic state officials

Tryggve N. D. Mettinger | Solomonic state officials. A study of the civil government officials of the Israelite monarchy | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 5 | 1971

The burden of Babylon

Seth Erlandsson | The burden of Babylon. A study of Isaiah 13:2-14:23 | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 4 | 1970


Magnus Ottosson | Gilead. Tradition and history | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 3 | 1969

Die armenische Bibelübersetzung als hexaplarischer Zeuge im 1. Samuelsbuch

Bo Johnson | Die armenische Bibelübersetzung als hexaplarischer Zeuge im 1. Samuelsbuch | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 2 | 1968

History and the gods

Bertil Albrektson | History and the gods. An essay on the idea of historical events as divine manifestations in the ancient Near East and in Israel | Coniectanea biblica. Old Testament series 1 | 1967

Sidansvarig:  | 2020-10-05