Study guidance
CTR’s Academic Advisors are here for you!
Our academic advisors are here to help you and guide you throughout your studies. Make an appointment to discuss any questions you may have, and we will help you to clarify interests and abilities prior to, and during your studies. Our academic advisors provide professional secrecy – your visit and your questions are confidential. Open meetings are arranged twice a year, usually about two weeks before applications to the upcoming semester’s courses are due. The open meetings provide information about available courses and studying at CTR in general. While most of the information is targeted at brand new students, all students are very welcome to the open meetings. The advisors’ offices are located on the ground floor of house B, rooms B116 and B117. Please contact us to make an appointment before your visit.On Lund University’s general study guidance page you will find further resources, such as LU’s Academic Support Centre and learning support for students with disabilities.