
- Church History
- Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
Contact information
E-mail emil.bjorn_hilton_saggauctr.luse
Phone +46 46 222 90 57
Room LUX:B125
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Internal post code 30
Emil Hilton Saggau (1988), Ph.d. og researcher (postdoc) with primary research in the Eastern Orthodox Churches of South Eastern Europe. Saggau holds a Ph.D. from University of Copenhagen from 2020 with the title "Only Unity Will Save the Serbs - Eastern Orthodox Notion of History, Memory and Politic in former Yugoslavia" (2020). He has worked from 2010-2012 at the Center for Euorpean Islamic Thought.
Saggau do also look into byzantine-slavic church history, law and religion, cults and the Bektashi-Islam in South Eastern Europe - and in addition the popcultural use of religion. He has published a numer of papers on these issues. A particular interest is in the Nordic Orthodox Churches, which he has published on - in a Danish context - in the book "De moderne ortodokse kirker" (2021).
Saggau is currently (2021-23) working on a book on the Slavic cults of Jovan Vladimir and these cults role in the formation of nation and churches on South Eastern Europe.
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My profile in Lund University research portalEmil Saggau is a former policy advisor) for the dean(s) of Humanity at University of Copenhagne (2014-16; 2020) and at the Danish ministery for Higher Education and Science (2016-2020).
Saggau teach and advise on Eastern Orthodox and Slavic Church History.
Saggau is member of the danish Forum for Patristik and International Study of Religion in Eastern and CentralEurope Association (ISORECEA), European Association for the Study of Religions(EASR) and Yugoslav Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (YSSSR) .
Through a number of years has Saggau been reviewer for Hiperboreea(ISSN 2284–5666), the MDPI journal Religions (ISSN 2077-1444) and Routledge book-series on Religion.
Saggau received in 2018 the Miklós Tomka Award for best paper to the ISORECEA conference and in 2019 the Elite Research travel grant from the Danish Ministry for Higher Education and Science.

- Church History
- Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
Contact information
E-mail emil.bjorn_hilton_saggauctr.luse
Phone +46 46 222 90 57
Room LUX:B125
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Internal post code 30