
Course code: JUDA32
Swedish title: Judaistik: Judisk humor och identitet
Credits: 7.5

Study period: spring semester 2024
Type of studies: part time, 25 % , day
Study period: 2024-01-15 – 2024-06-02
Language of instruction: Swedish
Application code: LU-77711
Eligibility: General and studies equivalent of the courses History 1b or 1a1 and 1a2 and Social Studies 1b or 1a1 and 1a2 from Swedish Upper Secondary School.

Introductory meeting: 2024-01-18 at 18:15 – 20:00


Judisk humor är inte bara en källa till skratt. Judisk humor är också en källa till kunskap. Judiska vitsar och humoristiska judiska karaktärer som den överbeskyddande mamman, den filosofiske Tevje i »Spelman på taket» och Woody Allens neurotiska rollfigurer säger oss mycket om judisk kultur och judisk identitet som religionshistoria, sociologi och andra vetenskaper ibland missar. All humor uppstår i någon form av socialt sammanhang och kan ofta förstås på många olika plan, och genom att studera berättelser och vitsar, filmer och TV-avsnitt från skilda tider och miljöer kommer vi under kursens gång att fördjupa oss i olika sidor av judisk kultur och historia, tankevärld och identitet. Syftet med kursen är att bredda synen på vad judendom är samt att se hur en specifik form av etnisk humor förmedlar ett socialt budskap och därigenom också medverkar till konstruktionen av en identitet.

Kursen går att läsa som fristående kurs såväl på campus och som på distans via internet. På campuskursen (JUDA32) kompletteras klassrumsundervisningen med lektioner och information via internet varför dator och internetuppkoppling är en förutsättning för att följa undervisningen i sin helhet. På distanskursen (JUDD32) sker all undervisning via internet. Examinationen sker kontinuerligt under kursens gång genom skriftliga instuderingsuppgifter.


This course is not open as a freestanding course next semester. It can be open for application within a programme or for students in an exchange programme. Please ask your academic advisor for information.

How to apply

Lund University uses a national application system run by University Admissions in Sweden. It is only possible to apply during the application periods: October–January for autumn semester and June–August for spring semester.

Extended application deadline

Sometimes the application deadline is extended for a specific programme or course. In these cases you will find the message "open for late application" by the programme/course information on You apply with the usual application steps. As long as this message is showing, it is possible to apply, but late applications are processed in order of date, so it is still important to apply as soon as possible. Please note that if the programme/course does not have an extended deadline, it is not possible to apply late.

First or Second Admission Round?

All international students are encouraged to apply to the First admission round. This round takes place many months before the start of a semester and gives students the time they need to pay their tuition fees, apply for and receive their residence permit (if required), find housing, etc.

The Second admission round is an alternative for students from EU/EEA countries as they do not need a residence permit. Non-EU/EEA students will most likely not have enough time to obtain their permit before the start of the semester. However, even EU/EEA students are advised to apply during the First admission round, as some programmes can be applied for only in the January round. Also, this provides applicants with an admission decision much earlier, which is helpful in making decisions about their studies.

Tuition Fees

Non-EU/EEA citizens

Citizens of a country outside of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay tuition fees. You pay one instalment of the tuition fee in advance of each semester.

Read more about tuition fees, payments and exemptions

EU/EEA citizens and Switzerland

There are no tuition fees for citizens of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland.

Application fee

If you are required to pay tuition fees, you are generally also required to pay an application fee of SEK 900 (approximately EUR 100) when you apply at You pay one application fee regardless of how many programmes or courses you apply to.

Read more about paying the University Admissions in Sweden application fee and exemptions

Page Manager: johan.grevstigctr.luse | 2020-06-15